Dash To Success Lead Team - Butte College-E世博ESBALL
Dash To Success Lead Team

Dash To Success

Dash To Success = Guided Pathways

The Next Phase of Guided Pathways
Redesigning For The Students Who Need It Most

Dash To Success is Butte College's visioning of the next phase of Guided Pathway efforts. The Dash To Success Lead team provides guidance to the Guided Pathways framework alignment at Butte.  The Lead Team oversees the Dash To Success Design Teams that are associated with the prioritized projects.

Guided Pathways is housed under the Vice President of Instruction and Dean of STEM/Guided Pathways. The Guided Pathways coordinator works with the Dean of Instruction to facilitate a Lead Team as well as Design Teams that are associated with Dash To Success prioritized projects.

Dash To Success Place mat: Linking Guided Pathway Efforts To Butte College's Strategic Initiatives.

Dash To Success Lead Team

The Lead Team is an equity focused team charged with setting a vision, determining system change priorities, identifying resources, concrete deliverables, and project leads. The Team embraces iterate design and crafts processes for inquiry and improvement to ensure sustainability of efforts.

This team keeps the system change momentum thriving.

Lead Team Members

    • Robert White, Dean of STEM/Guided Pathways

    • Tammera Shinar, Dean of Student Services

    • Amanda Montgomery, Interim Guided Pathways Grant Manager

    • Travon Robinson, IDEA Officer

    • Christian Gutierrez, Public Relation and Marketing Specialist Senior

    • Rachel Sicke, Academic Counselor, Student Success Design Team Lead

    • Brian Murphy, Director of Institutional Research

    • Jess Vickery, Instructional Faculty/Explorer Pathway Lead

    • Jacob Vazquez, Instructional Faculty/ Student Success Design Team Lead

    • Brian Donnelly, Interim Director of Career Services

    • Monica Brown, Director of Student Equity and Achievement

Dash To Success Lead Team Resources

Lead Team Meetings & Campus Presentations


Shared Resources

Guided Pathways Institute Week


Dash To Success: Butte College's Vision of Guided PathwaysStudent Success Team Pilot Project









CCCSE 2022 Special Report | The University of Texas at Austin





DTS Clear

Priority Projects

A first semester set of courses that will ensure progress in a cluster of individual programs so that students do not have to choose a specific major but can explore within a community of interest.
Constructing new and cobbling together existing mechanisms to support faculty exchange of methods and strengths that increase equitable student engagement and success and create structures to communicate those efforts to students.
A cross-functional campus team working to design and pilot a holistic student support model. The SST model will use a data driven cohort management approach to assist students from entry to completion with a focus on equitable outcomes. The SST will review pathway momentum points inside and outside of the classroom and meet student needs in a proactive and personal way.
Racial Equity for Adult Credentials in Higher Education, this project optimizes Butte College’ guided pathway efforts for adult learners of color, such as by embedding culturally sensitive practices and sequenced student supports and creating pathways with quality short-term credentials that lead to associate degrees.
Improving student completion in gateway courses by increasing access and success in transfer level English and math. This includes a review a disaggregated student data by race, gender, and income to improve learning outcomes as well as an expansion of STEM transfer level course offerings and student supports.
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